Breast is Best. Screw You.
Do not ever say that to a person. Whether you know them or not. It is completely, and irrevocably, a parent's choice. And whatever choice they make is a good one. At least they are FEEDING their child. So many children out there are starving and BRENDA over here is bitching about how your kid is getting fed. Shut up Brenda.
I can say I have done it both ways. I can also say breast milk is definitely healthier. Will I say better? No. Because that opinion is based on a mother's experience alone. What is best for her as well as her baby.
I can also say I loved breastfeeding. More than I thought I would. It is unbelievably hard in the beginning, the latching, the cracked and bleeding nipples, the evening cluster feedings, the getting up every two hour feedings.
The Breastfeeding Bond
I breastfed my daughter for a year. I know American Pediatrics Association says 2 years but whatever I chose a year. I thought with my son I was gonna only feed from the breast for the first month and then just pump and bottle feed. But I had forgotten how lovely it was, to feed from the breast and continued to do it till month two.
The Choice Was Taken Away From Me
The difference is night and day. No more diarrhea in every single diaper change, and hearing his stomach churn after having a meal. I don't have to give him gripe water at night so he gets some good sleep (and me.) The past two nights he's slept for 9 hours straight I give him a bottle at 5 a.m. and he goes back to sleep for 3 more hours. It's been glorious.
To be fair the choice wasn't completely taken away from me. I could've continued to breastfeed, I just had to completely cut out dairy from my diet. I tried for two days. Call me selfish, I don't care. My theme of this blog is to do what's best for mom and baby. I couldn't do it, I couldn't cut out dairy.
I feel a small sliver of guilt sometimes, if only I had been strong enough. Other mom's have done it. But I am me. I stick with my decision.
Why I Chose Similac Instead
I'm still pumping and will try to reintroduce breast milk later on, see if maybe he's gotten over his sensitivity. Because formula is daaang expensive. I signed up for "Strong Mom's Similac Rewards Program" and that has helped a ton.
They've sent me samples and coupons. Some 15 dollars off. But still very expensive. So if one day I can reintroduce my breast milk I'll definitely try. Washing bottles is a pain in the ass, a definite downside to bottle feeding.So my recommendation: You should try breastfeeding first. Just to see what it's like, just to know so you won't have any regrets. You can always stop and switch to formula if it's not for you. No shame in it at all. But overall it's your decision and yours alone :)
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