Thursday, January 24, 2019


Connor Was Not A Fan

Swaddling, was a Godsend, but not at first. I was convinced my second child was not going to be a swaddler. We had no problems with my first when it came to swaddling her in a receiving blanket as soon as she came home from the hospital.
Photo by Luma Pimentel on Unsplash

Connor, on the other hand, was a kicker and a puncher. He would grunt and push until he broke out of his swaddle. He did it easily, too. No matter how tight we tried to make it. 

Turns out we just needed to put him in a straight jacket.

Just Kidding

It wasn't a straight jacket. It was the Halo Sleepsack. But it's pretty close.
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

The hospital sent us one home with their logo on the front and I have no idea why we didn't just whip that baby out as soon as we got home. 

For some reason we were stupid and just tried to use receiving blankets. But when we did finally get our sleep-deprived heads out of our butts, we gave the Sleepsack a try.

We used one for Lily, so I have no idea why we waited so long. Maybe we were just delirious, who knows?

The velcro on the sack traps their little arms in so even the most ninja-like babies (Connor) cannot escape. 

Soon enough he was sleeping through the night when he wore it.

When It's Time To Stop

Unfortunately, we've reached the point where we can no longer swaddle Connor.
Photo by Filip Mroz on Unsplash

Once a child flips from back to front, it's time to put your dearly loved swaddle away.

We've had to put him down without it for over a week and surprisingly we've had little issues with him getting up at night.

Maybe he's used to sleeping through the night at this point so it's been a lot easier. 
I'm not sure, but I'm not going to question it.

Did your baby sleep well with the sleepsack?

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