Monday, November 26, 2018

Modge Podge Wooden Letters

One super fun and easy creative outlet for me is making custom letters. You can do this for a nursery, wall decor, for any room really. I made mine for my son's nursery, wall decor for our living room, and our daughters room.

What You'll Need:

    I got this from Hobby Lobby
  • Modge Podge Glue (matte or gloss whatever you prefer)
  • Sponge or regular brushes (I prefer sponge brushes, they apply more evenly)
  • Assorted scrap book paper designs. Ones that will coordinate with each other.
  • Wooden letters
  • Scissors and Pencil (not necessary but an execto knife will help with detailing after)
  • Paint if your painting the edges a certain color.

How To Start

There are multiple ways to do this but I choose to turn the scrap book paper over so the design is facing down and laying the letter upside down as well. Tracing on that side around the edges with a pencil. 

Make sure you line up the design on the scrap book paper to show the image you want on your letter.

If you're painting the edges of the letter do this now and then wait for it to dry before gluing the paper.

I don't like to have a border around the design but if you do when you cut, start at where you traced and then gradually cut away until you get the border you want. 

Tip: If you're using a scrapbook paper with words or phrases on it make sure they are small enough to actually be able to read it on the letter.

PS Tip: Use child scissors, they make curves and edges so much easier to get around! 

Start Modge Podging

As I've said before I prefer a sponge brush because it spreads evenly and this is very important when using modge podge. 

When using scrapbook paper it can bubble very easily underneath. You want to apply a very light thin layer of modge podge on the letter.

I do this in sections. Peeling backing the paper one section at a time and applying the glue before laying the paper on it.

And smooth smooth smooth your hand across it making sure it is flat and no bubbles. Wait at least 20 minutes for drying time before applying top coat. 

Also this is a perfect time to use your execto knife if you have one to turn the letter over and go over all the spots you might have not missed while cutting. Detailing these edges will make it look much more professional. 

Applying The Top Coat

You will probably need one or two coats of modge podge glue for this. You'll use the glue a little more liberally this time. You may see bubbles, this is normal and they will flatten out once it dries.

Go over it in one direction vertically or horizontally whatever you prefer. Slowly, it'll keep it from bubbling so much.

Wait at least 20 minutes.

Then go over it in the other direction the same as the first way.

When using matte modge podge it'll make it look like a nice canvas design.

You will need to wait for the glue to completely cure before hanging it on the wall. 24-48 hours after finishing.


Finished project for my daughters
This is a super fun easy hobby for anyone to learn. Trust me I have never been a crafty person but this was very easy for me to accomplish. This homemade craft is a perfect gift for Christmas, baby showers, wedding showers, etc. 

I plan on using this method to make coasters for my family at Christmas. Be sure to use dishwasher modge podge if you get the idea to do the same :)

If you want to see a step by step video tutorial here is the one I watched to get me started.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Finding The Right Formula: Trial and Error

Throw Your Expectations Out The Window

This is a general rule of thumb when you approach all aspects of parenting. But mainly today we'll be tackling your expectations of formula brands in this.

I don't know how it happened, but we are all convinced that a baby has to have either Enfamil or Similac brands. Mainly because they are used in hospitals and so we believe they are the best and healthiest options. 

That is not necessarily true. It is completely okay to buy off brand formulas. 

Over the past few months I've become adept in ingredient comparing. I've noticed there is little to no difference in off brand ingredients. 

Benefits To Brand Names

That being said there are benefits to using common brand name formulas.

  1. They are available at more locations.
  2. There are coupons available to offset the cost.
  3. There are more feeding options i.e. powder form and ready-to-feed liquid.

Cons to Brands

  1. The cost
  2. The coupons are not unlimited and also a hassle because you have to remember them every time you go.

Benefits to Off Brand

  1. The cost is significantly cheaper and store brands will run tons of sales on them.
  2. Your baby might like them better - they are comparable to their brand name counter parts but they sometimes use different protein isolates in their "gentler" formulas. That difference might just be what your little one needs.
  3. You'll get more value for your dollar when you buy the value sizes. For example $20 dollars for 33 oz of formula.

Cons to Off Brand

  1. Only available at select locations for the store brand of your choosing.

Switching To A New Formula

You've decided to try a different brand. Whether it be because your baby seems uncomfortable with the one they're on or you've discovered just how expensive it can be having a formula fed baby.

There is no shame in looking for a cheaper option. Especially when there are cheaper and just as healthy solutions out there. 

Step One: Compare ingredients. If you're looking for a store brand formula that's close to if not exactly like a name brand compare ingredients to find a good match. There are better brands than others. Watch the sugar content in these formulas.
Step Two: Once you find the right one, slowly transition your baby to the new formula. For an easier transition start putting a 1/4 of the new formula in your babies bottle for a few days. 

Step Three: 1/2 of the new formula in the bottle.
Step Four: And lastly before making the complete switch 3/4 of new formula. Use the length of time for each step at your transgression. 

Switching Brands Regularly

If you still have your doubts on if you chose the right formula and want to continue to try different options.

Wait at least a few days before trying each one, it takes awhile for the last one to leave the baby's system which might be why he's still cranky. So don't give up on the new one yet.

If it's been a few days and you still believe there is a better option you can continue to transition to other formulas to find the best fit.

Are you worried because someone has told you it's better to not switch formulas because it can hurt a baby's tummy? 

There is an article I read by physician Dr. Shari Nethersole, a doctor at at Children's Hospital in Boston where she answers the question "Can an infant be given a variety of formulas?" To which her answer was:

"There is no medical reason why a healthy infant cannot take a variety of infant formulas, but there are a few issues to consider."

She goes on to explain that it is more of an issue on the baby refusing to take a certain formula because of the differences in taste. Or in the case of a baby with a lactose intolerance or milk allergy.

Read full article here:

There's another article by Wendy Sue Swanson, MD on the blog Seattle Mama Doc. She said something very interesting that stuck with me: 

"Think of it this way: babies who are breast-fed have a slightly different milk each and every meal due to mom's variant diet. Although fat, calories, and protein count remain constant, flavor and variety changes. A slightly different recipe at every feed." 

Read full article here:

In My Own Experience

As I've said in previous posts my child was completely breastfed until I noticed growing discomfort; diarrhea, gas, trouble sleeping, and excessive spit up. 

At the advice of my doctor we had to eliminate dairy from my diet or I needed to stop breastfeeding and put him on a dairy free formula like soy or a hypoallergenic formula like alimentum/nutrimagen.

I was a wuss and couldn't stop eating dairy and decided to go with the soy since it was the cheaper option. I thought to myself no ones ever said soy isn't good for them. 

I will admit I was completely wrong. 

Either way it was a moot point since my son definitely had a soy allergy. I wrote all about my horrible urgent care visit with him in a previous post.
12.1 Ounces $25.98

We started him on alimentum and used Similac coupons that helped a ton. But if you've ever seen it in store. Hypoallergenic is so incredibly expensive. 

And even though he was no longer having diarrhea. I still was unconvinced that he had a legitimate milk allergy. That was just the first thing people think of when a baby was as uncomfortable as him. 

But he was still having awful spit up, I mean awful. It was always half of the bottle back up. I swear I smelled like baby puke every single day. 

He was sleeping just fine on the allimentum but I still wanted to try just a gentle formula but not necessarily hypoallergenic.
22.5 Ounces $28.99

So I thought I'd try Similac Pro-Total Comfort. And he's done fine on it, still no diarrhea, no excessive gas, sleeping 12 hours a night. Consistently.

I'll admit I've been lucky.

Except for his spit up. That was still horrible. We made an appointment for him and he definitely has re-flux. He is now on Zantac.

Now I don't know if it was the re-flux that always made him so uncomfortable really. And I didn't need to quit breastfeeding and he would've just been fine if I had known earlier. Now I'll never know. 

My baby is happy now so that's the most important thing. 

33.2 Ounces $20.99
Big Savings!
And since he was doing so well on the Pro-Total Comfort. I thought I'd take my savings one step further and try the Meijer Gentle store brand. I compared the ingredients and they are virtually very close. 

He's been on it for a week now and has still been an extremely happy baby. It's been a real improvement from the earlier months. 


It may take time and patience but you will find the formula that is best for your baby. 

Do your research, compare ingredients. There are better types than others. If you want to find cheaper options there is no shame in that. 

Also trust your gut, if you feel like your little one is uncomfortable because of their food, don't second guess yourself. 

Disclaimer: This article is to be used for general use only and based solely on my own personal experience . Do not use in place of medical consultation or advice. Always consult your doctor first on what they think is best for you or you child.

What formulas did you try before you found the right one?

Monday, November 19, 2018

Urgent Care: Not Recommended

Even a Familiar Urgent Care

At this time I was convinced my son had a milk allergy, and the doctor recommended to try Soy Formula.

He did great on it, saw an immediate difference in temperament.

Still spitting up a great deal, but he was no longer having constant diarrhea (which was the case on my breast)

Three weeks later.

I was changing his diaper when I noticed he was very blotchy all over in different areas. Around his belly button, under his chin, on his arms and legs.

I had never seen this before in my first child, especially something to come on so suddenly. 

I took him to Urgent Care. The very one I had worked at two years prior. I knew the doctors and they knew me so I thought I could trust them to not treat me how I had seen them treat others in the past. 

Well little did I know they had a new Nurse Practitioner. One who didn't know me.  

 I Told Her

I know how they see me. Doctors.

It drives me nuts, the way that they don't take patients (or advocates of patients) seriously anymore.

I understand there is a lot of overreacting and hypochondriac patients out there. 

But we put our trust in them. We put our lives in their hands.

We pay our insurance, who pays them. We pay the co-pays.

We deserve for our voice to be heard and respected.

I did not receive that respect there.

As nice as she was to Connor and me. I still felt like I was getting the brush off treatment. My concerns were not being heard. 

I had mentioned what formula he had been on and at that point I was having doubts that Soy was the right one. 

Even if he did have a milk allergy, more times than none babies will be allergic to Soy as well. 

Also I had read thousands of testimonies that it was not good for them. I'm pretty disappointed in my doctor for suggesting it, instead of the hypoallergenic formula or just one with partially broken down proteins like Similac Total Comfort or Enfamil Gentlease. 

My concerns fell on deaf ears at this Urgent Care. 


A heat rash. In September. 
This is what a heat rash or "prickly heat" looks like.

70 Degree weather in Michigan. 

And she had said it was a heat rash. 

I already had doubts when I left this place. I googled pictures of it and it wasn't even close to what Connor's looked like. 

I don't even know how she got her license with that bullshit diagnosis. 

My theory with her, and for most doctors lately, is they look for the easiest and simplest explanation. 

So when you're still having issues and you have to return to the doctor's office they can collect more insurance money.

I hate to think this way, to be cynical of the very people we trust to take care of us when we don't know how to take care of ourselves.

But I am fed up with the way the system has been lately.

Wait For Your Pediatrician 

Mine was not available that very day, but he would've been two days later. So instead of waiting for my doctor I took him to an Urgent Care and had to take him to our regular Pediatrician's office anyway.

So twice the bill.

Your pediatrician knows your baby. If your baby seems to be happy, I would wait for your regular doctor.

The rash did not affect my baby at all. He was still a happy baby all smiley. His skin just looked scary.

It also wasn't getting better with baths and loose clothing. It was definitely not a heat rash. It was getting increasingly worse.

Following advice on my sister who had said regardless of his crankiness on my breast milk it is healthier for him. I gave him my frozen breast milk I had been saving in the freezer. 

Immediately I saw improvement of his skin getting lighter again. By this point the rash had completely covered his chest and stomach but with the breast milk it was lessening in redness.

By the time I brought him into the pediatricians office, it was almost non-existent save for a few dots here in there.

I luckily took pictures of his rash since day one and was able to show him to the doctor. He took one look and knew it was hives and to get him off the Soy. 

He gave me samples of Alimentum, the hypoallergenic formula that has completely broken down proteins. These formulas are much more expensive $27 dollars for a 12 ounce can.

Even with coupons from the Similac Strong Mom's program it is extremely hard to afford. Eventually I discovered he didn't actually need it, thank God.

 I will go into that in my next post, Finding The Right Formula: Trial and Error. Make sure you read if you are also having problems making a formula decison.


You may find a decent Urgent Care with reliable doctors, but if your baby is acting fine then it probably isn't something serious and not worth risking horrible care and wasting your money.

Did you have a horrible Urgent Care Experience?

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Planet Fitness #2

I've only been able to go one other time. This is not me slacking, my house has just been hit with the flu bug and I've barely felt alive the past few days.

I still feel like I am blowing out all the possible mucus from my body (I seem to have an endless supply) but I have to continue to push myself to write.

Tanning First

I tried to research the best possible time to go tanning, before or after work. Mainly I didn't want to do it after because I didn't want to get over sweaty. 

I was afraid I would lose my motivation to work out being in the tanning booth beforehand but that wasn't the case.

At Planet Fitness they only have standing up booths which kinda sucks because it's really nice and relaxing to lay down in a booth. But maybe standing up contributed to me being able to still work out afterwards, so it's possibly a good thing.

I've only used one tanning salon previously and I can say that these booths were better than the ones I previously used. For as pasty white as I was I did see a difference right away and that doesn't typically happen right away for me.

I used Australian Gold because they are one of the few out there that uses little to no bronzer. Like I said I'm pasty white so if I use a lotion with a bronzer right off the rip without a base tan I will end up looking like a tiger if not applied evenly enough.

Cardio Is My Goal

After tanning I started out on the treadmill again. I had limited time today so I could only do 45 minutes of work out. I worked on the treadmill and elliptical again this time around. No time for weights.

I am seeing a slight improvement with my heart rate. I am also learning as I go the proper way of breathing when on these machines.


Short post today but as I said I got him with the bug so I am stinking miserable. 

My plan for the next time I go is to use the body enhancement machine. I've heard it works very well if you want to tan since it brings the blood to the surface of your skin and produces a better tan through increased oxidation of melanin. 

Obviously the next time I go I hope to have a little bit more time to work out, maybe even attend a fitness training class. Did I mention those are free there? 

As soon as I'm done being a walking snot bucket. 

Current weight: 162

P.S. I am still doing at home yoga even while I am sick using the thousands of YouTube videos available streamed to my TV.

Did you guys still work out when you were sick?

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Planet Fitness Work Out #1

I will admit I am drinking a glass of wine while I type this and that's not a good thing to do when you're dieting. But red wine has been proven to help prevent congestive heart failure and according to my lab results I could use some help.

So it's been 3 months since I've had the baby, I'm back to pre-baby weight thanks to breastfeeding for the first two months. But I am still 10 pounds over the weight I started with before I had my first child Lily, 5 years ago. 

And I honestly probably could lose a little more than that.

So to keep myself motivated to keep writing and to see my progress in writing of possible weight loss, I'm going to keep a log of it on here.

Starting Today

Today I am 163 lbs, and I have been that way for 5 years. Sometimes less a few pounds but never more than that. It feels like I have been stuck. 

I have done on and off diets and exercises but have always quit because it seems like I don't get anywhere and when I eat what I want I don't gain anything either. 

It is not a healthy lifestyle though, so even if I still can't lose weight at least I can possibly live a longer life with healthier choices.

So today, I am quitting pop, trying to minimize bad and unhealthy foods, and exercising. 

For the second time in my life I decided to join a gym.

Why Planet Fitness

The first time I joined a gym, it was Anytime Fitness. I joined them because my brother recommended it and he seemed to enjoy it. 24 access to a gym with unlimited tanning (I never once went tanning there.)

One of the million reasons why Planet is better than Anytime is because they offer both of those things for 5 dollars less.

And they have even more to offer.

Hydro-massage beds, massage chairs, unlimited free fitness training by actual trainers, total body enhancement (red light therapy machines.)

I had considered joining them for a few months but what really got me was their special they were running for 0 dollars down and no monthly commitment, offer expiring November 14th. 

Sold me.

That's the one thing that was holding me back was having that monthly commitment. Now something I don't have to worry about.

My Warm Up

 I am by no means an athlete, so this is not meant to tell you exactly how you should work out at the gym. Not at all. 

This is just what I chose to do today based on my preferences and needs.

I started with the Total Body Enhancement for a pre-work out.

You don't actually work out, you just stand there while this big tanning bed looking thing shines a wonder light on you while it vibrates all your fat. 

I chose to do this cause I heard great things about how it gives you more energy and helps to reduce soreness after work out.

There are also other claims saying it helps with stretch marks, loose skin, cellulite. All things I wish to God it helped with. But I am unconvinced until I see real results.

I'll have to test the theory again, but I did feel like I could exercise more this time. My stamina felt higher. Could be the first-time gym experience high but we'll see. 

I'll see how I feel tomorrow about the sore muscles theory.


Would I like to lose pounds? Yes. But my main goal is to be healthier and to live a longer life for my children. And my heart rate is scary.

I am 25 years old and my heart rate with mild to slightly moderate exercise was 160 and counting.

My main machines when I get to the gym are going to be the treadmill and elliptical. Occasional weights. Some core.

I started on the treadmill and tried not to push myself too hard. No running but just very brisk walking with incline. 20 minutes of that.

Took a break from cardio, did 15 reps of 12.5 lbs (slightly smaller than the infant I carry at home all the time.)

Then went back to cardio on the elliptical. My heart rate was the worst on this machine I tried to keep it around 170 but I couldn't be on it for long. Not because I lost stamina, if anything I had plenty of energy but my breathing wasn't the greatest.

Thought I would push myself a little more on the weights, so I returned to do 20 reps of 15 lbs.

Ended my work out back on the treadmill for 15 minutes of brisk walking again and then 5 minutes of cool down.

I ended up not doing core at the gym because I for real could not figure out how to use the machines and felt awkward asking a gym employee.

Cool Down

A nice feature of the Planet Fitness machines is that they automatically cool down your work out for you at the end. Putting you at the right speed. So if you truly want to do 15 minutes on the treadmill set the timer for 12 to allow the 3 minutes of cool down.

I am not only exercising but trying to eat healthier and count my calories with an app called Lose It.

I've used the app before and love how wide the variety is in their food library. I just scan whatever I am about to eat and it automatically adds the calories. I tell it what I did for exercise and it subtracts it automatically.

I am hoping to lose all the baby weight and more until I am at a point where I feel happy looking at myself in the mirror again.

Like I said I am not an athlete, so please feel free to share your advice and comments on the best methods and exercises that helped you lose your weight. :)